Thursday, February 16, 2012

Salt Raker Bay: Labours and Legacies of Love

Welcome to Salt Raker Bay.  Here on Providenciales many of the residents have taken to the old custom of naming their homes and property.  It is a romantic homage to colonial charm and Caribbean escapism.  For our small corner of this island, we chose to pay a sentimental tribute to one of the heroes upon whose shoulders the Turks and Caicos rose to prominence: The Salt Raker.  Braving the scorching heat and a humbling profession, the salt rakers from the late 1600's until the 1960's labored tirelessly to compile the countless mountains of glistening, "White Gold" that was coveted around the world.  With this as our legacy, our family strives to serve God and Man in every way we can to honor His name and share our zest for life with all whom we meet.  These are our stories as we live, laugh and love; raking salt along the way.

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