Saturday, February 18, 2012

Michaiya: "The Artist"

Our eldest daughter is Michaiya, which in meaning asks the rhetorical question, "Who is like God?" We chose Kaiya's name from an obscure prophet found in I Kings 22 who apparently was none too popular with the rulers of the day because he always told the truth and it was NEVER in favor of the powers that be!  Well, in this account the prophet Micaiah snubs his nose at 400 false prophets and evil king Ahab by letting Ahab know that he will not survive the upcoming battle.  We were inspired by the bravery to testify to God's Truth in the face of literally hundreds of opponents and certain death.  For our Michaiya, we pray the Spirit grant her boldness to always do what is right in spite of all who say otherwise.

Kaiya was born September 22, 2005 and has been our snuggle bunny ever since. NOBODY can cuddle like this kid! Just ask her Grammy, who has lost many a night of sleep due to Kaiya's "Body Wrap" technique.  At 2 weeks old we started calling her "Doodle" and the nickname stuck...little did we know that doodling is EXACTLY what this kid would love to do.  Michaiya is our Artist in Residence.  Drawing, painting, crafting, name it and she loves it!  Absolutely obsessed with musical instruments or writing 6 year old prose, our little dream weaver always has one foot on a rainbow and her head in the clouds...and we love her for it! 

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