Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Blooming Bundles!"

Posing above, in what may quite possibly be the winning photo for this season of America's Next Top Model, is The Bundles.  Addie is bigger than Madonna in this house.  No...really.  Winston Churchill, sliced bread and the Gutenberg Printing Press all pale in comparison to worldwide shock waves that this child sends out on a daily least in her head!
Addie came into this world telling us off the bat that being the youngest means NOTHING if you can't put some swag on with it!  And this fact was drilled home recently with the blessed event of Addie achieving the ripe old age of 3.  In an event that made Paris Hilton's 21st birthday run look like an archaeological dig in a gated community, Addie's house help (that would be us) whisked a birthday cake to a room full of demanding 2 and 3 year olds who were all awaiting the long promised cake of Marie Antoinette.  The grovelling peasant 4 year olds were allowed to glean the leftovers and the personal assistants (that would be the teachers) were encouraged to eat a piece touched by Her Majesty as it was rumored to heal broken hearts and internal discomforts.
All in all, I have to get a bit sentimental when I realize the last of our little clan is really trying to grow  Time waits for no man and if one doesn't take advantage of every moment that comes your way it is gone faster than a snowflake melting in your hand.  So watching her grow and discover the world with fresh and enthusiastic eyes is like watching a rare rose bloom at the end of the summer.  No matter the stage production involved in her expression of personality one thing is certain...the main character has a heart of gold....and we love her for it!
"Happy Birthday, Bundles!"

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